Claire Dean
Claire Dean

Claire Dean

Travel in South America is a joy to behold. The rich variety of destinations, experiences, landscapes and geography fascinated me so much, that I chose to relocate here, over 20 years ago! The best thing I ever did! Allow me to share my knowledge and passion for Central and South America with you and help you plan your holiday of a lifetime!

The Festival of The Virgen del Carmen in Paucartambo

The Festival of The Virgen del Carmen in Paucartambo


Written by:Claire Dean

Last Update: 2025-02-02

On any other day of the year, Paucartambo is a small, tranquil Andean town where nothing much really happens outside of daily life. However, if you decide to take a visit from Cusco around July 15 and 18, you will have somewhat of a surprising encounter. This unique, traditional festival marked with a rainbow of color and music takes over the town and the rhythm of traditional dances takes over the crowded streets. Masked colonial imagery and people dressed in impossibly detailed costumes with hand-embroidered patterns rule the roost for this 4 day festival. No matter when you visit, however, one thing will be certain, everything revolves around those four days in July, when the Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen is celebrated.
One of the most exciting and popular religious Peru festivals is known as the Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen, Paucartambo. Imagine a festivity that combines religion, art, dance, drinking and eating,  all rolled into one that lasts or 3 days! The dancers use colorful costumes and ornate yet ugly masks, representing colonial, religious characters during the procession. Visit Peru and discover the Mardi Gras of Cusco!

La Mamacha Carmen


The Religious Festival of Paucartambo

The festival of Paucartambo is considered the epitome of religious and cultural activities that came about during the colonial period. Its beauty lies in the fusion of indigenous and Catholic symbols and traditions to celebrate the blessing of the Virgin through song and dance. La Mamacha Carmen is venerated and is the center of the festival. 
There are 19 dance groups dressed in beautiful, comical yet scary masks, and adorned with intricate costumes, with each of them representing or are parodies a colonial character. The three groups who take center stage of the festival are the Qapaq Qoyas, highland merchants come to town to trade; the Qapaq Chunchos, Antisuyo warriors who protect the Virgin; and the Qapaq Negros, the slaves brought to work on the mines who devoted their life to the Mamacha. They play a central role in the festival and on the third day, they sing to the Virgin and convince her to stay for another year.

 Saqras are demon dancers that get dressed in their costumes, on a hill above Paucartambo. They admire each others’ new masks and costumes which the Saqras embroider themselves, and the singing begins.  Most have seen each other over the past few months or so at dance practice on weekends. Learn more about the enigmatic Saqras on your Cusco excursions.

Qapaq Ch´uncho

Meet the Saqras and Maqt’as:

Other highly notable characters are the Saqras, or playful demons, who are there to tempt the Virgin and the audience, and the Maqt’as, who are both beloved and feared. They are responsible for keeping order, and they take to their task with complete lawlessness. Get in their way or the way of dancers and you will be whipped, sprayed with dubious substances, or attacked with stuffed animals.


The Saqras make their entrance to Paucartambo, over a historic stone bridge built in 1775. Dancing in front of the church in Paucartambo is one of the ways that dance troupes show respect for the Virgin del Carmen. Learn this and more about this remarkable Peruvian festival!


Three Days of Rituals:

Over the next three days, the dancers participate in a series of symbolic rituals that range from the serious to the artistic to the festive. The dancers jump through fire to cleanse their souls, serenade the Virgin, or go to the cemetery to visit their departed members. They also light fireworks, throw bread and gifts to the audience, and use pranks, like flailing around balls of fire and spraying beer over whoever is close by. In its characters and rituals, the festival brings together the dichotomy of deep feelings of joy and sorrow. The majeño represent merchants who come to sell alcohol and spirits to Paucartambo. They enter on horses and are always seen with a drink in their hand. 


 Satirical costumes depicting the Spanish army using the color red to represent the invaders' drunkenness. Besides all the joy and happiness that this party causes, there are also moving, introspective moments with a strong influence of Christian devotion. Visit on your Cusco tours!

The Majeño


The final ritual is the fight between The Qapaq Qoyas and the Qapaq Chunchos. The merchants allegedly brought the Virgin to Paucartambo by mistake and they try to steal her and bring her back with them to the highlands, while the warriors use spears to protect their Mamacha. One by one the merchants fall and the demons come with a real-life cart of fire to take them to the pits of hell.


The Qapaq Qollas stand in for highland visitors to Paucartambo. Some of them are pranking people in the middle of the festival. The Qapaq Chunchos are the guards of the Virgin, fighting against the Wayna Saqra - or "Head Devil" Learn more about these fascinating cultural elements of this unique Cusco festival on your Peru vacation package.

Qapaq Qoyas


The role of the maqt'a is to keep the streets clear for the dancers, a task they happily complete by scaring the audience. As a visitor, it is easy, to fall into the rhythm of the town, to become captivated by the songs and enjoy the constant supply of free alcohol. But then the festival ends and you get back on a bus to the Inca capital of Cusco.


The Vigen del Carmen celebration offers parades in her honor, Quechua-singing choirs, and groups that dramatize a number of historical Peruvian events. On the most important day of the festival, locals parade the Virgen through the streets, blessing participants and chasing away the demons dancing on the roofs. An excellent representation of the war between good and evil on your Cusco tours.

Festival is Underway

A Lifelong Devotion:

For Paucartambo residents, the festival is never truly over. Their entire lives, seem to revolve around the preparations for the festival. Being a dancer is no small responsibility. To even be accepted into a dance, you have to prove yourself a worthy candidate. Some people spend six or seven years trying to join a dance before they are admitted. This is especially true for women since there are few dances that include them, and only unmarried women are allowed. Once you have joined a dance, you make a solemn promise to the Virgin that you will be back the next year to offer your dance to her. When they are not dancing, they are practicing. Like all other dancers, they spend the year rehearsing the routines and working on costumes, each of which is designed to be unique. The relationship that people have with the Mamacha Carmen is very personal and mystical and breaks from the structures of the Catholic church.

Unusual face masks play a central role at the Virgen del Carmen festival. The chucchus or malaria dancers arrive in Paucartambo every 15 July. Their yellow masks give a sign of their origin, showing wounds and insect bites on their faces, some are one-eyed or swollen by malaria and come to the party to ask the Virgen del Carmen to cure them. When you travel to Cusco Peru make sure you visit the Virgen de Carmen festival!

Paucartambo Face Masks

Processions, Dance, and Festivities in Paucartambo's Celebration

During the processions of the Virgin, the Saqras (demons) dance from rooftops and balconies, turning away whenever she faces them directly.  It is this fervent devotion to the festival that defines the life of Paucartambo and drives people to offer their services to put on this spectacular event. Each dance group opens the door of their meeting hall to anyone who wishes to enter. At lunch and dinner time, every single person will be given a plate of food, often prepared by the dancers themselves. After the rituals of the day are over, the doors open again, and participants are welcomed to a party with live music and free-flowing alcohol.


Dancers perform a parody of the "wicked one" (Devil). It is believed that when one of the qollas or another dancer dies, saqras immediately appear in a car set on fire to take the body to the underworld. Saqras are mischievous and wicked characters who climb balconies, roofs, and windows in the town of Paucartambo. saqras, are generally the partygoers' favorite characters at this Cusco festival.

Saqras on The Rooftops

The organizers spend their entire year collecting funds and donations from people around town, organizing the festival, and taking care of the Virgin. Like the dancers, their life revolves around and is defined by these four fateful days in the middle of the winter.

The Qoyacha is the only dance in which both males and females participate. It has a romantic style and only single people can dance. In addition, there are certain rules that each dancer has to fulfill if s/he wants to be part of the group. The rhythm of the dance is appealing to anyone and dancers tap dance, very similar to the Huaylarsh. They wear costumes composed of small colorful stones as part of the decoration. This Peruvian festival is very unique, to say the least!

Paucartambo Dances