Claire Dean
Claire Dean

Claire Dean

Travel in South America is a joy to behold. The rich variety of destinations, experiences, landscapes and geography fascinated me so much, that I chose to relocate here, over 20 years ago! The best thing I ever did! Allow me to share my knowledge and passion for Central and South America with you and help you plan your holiday of a lifetime!

Sr De Los Milagros/ Lord of Miracles Day in Lima

Sr De Los Milagros/ Lord of Miracles Day in Lima


Written by:Claire Dean

Last Update: 2025-02-17

If you arrive in the Peruvian capital of Lima between October 18 and 20, you’ll be in for a surprise. Thousands of “Limeños” will be walking the streets, all clad from head to toe in purple, in one of the largest religious parades in Lima or Peru. Here is your guide to everything you need to know about Lima’s Sr de Los Milagros celebration!
The Lord of Miracles in Lima is one of Peru’s most important religious festivities. Its main ceremony is the procession through the streets of Lima, the largest in South America. During this 24-hour procession, 1000s of purple-clad believers follow those carrying the icon on a 2-ton litter resting on the shoulders of faithful who carry it in short shifts before passing the load onto the next group.


The entire month of October is known as “Mes Morado” which means "Purple Month". This is in honor of the Señor de los Milagros procession that occurs in Lima every year. The Señor de los Milagros followers carry the one-ton effigy throughout the streets and it is one of the most esteemed holy privileges in the Peruvian catholic church. Make sure you see the parade when you travel to Lima Peru.

Sr De Los Milagros


In 1746, a massive earthquake struck Lima, destroying everything in its path. It was recorded as 7.8 magnitude, one of the largest ever to hit the city of Lima. The building that housed the painting of Sr de Los Milagros was devastated, along with all the neighboring buildings, and the only thing not to crumble to the ground during the earthquake was the wall where the mural was painted. Due to the massive damage done to the surrounding buildings, which had collapsed entirely, it was seen as a miracle that a painting of Christ survived the earthquake, and it was viewed as a sign of good fortunes to come.


The miraculous history of Sr de Los Milagros dates back to Colonial times. In 1651, a time when many slaves had come to America, a believer from Angola drew an image of Jesus Christ on the wall of the Monastery of Las Nazarenas in Pachacamilla, Lima. When an earthquake struck, the whole city suffered damages—except the wall with the image of Christ. They rebuilt the church around the Wall as a sacred place. Find out more on your Lima tours.

Sr De Los Milagros

The Purple Procession

As they make their way from Las Nazarenas church, crossing downtown Lima, to the church of La Merced, singers, dancers, and street sellers line the streets with flowers. There are many traditional dishes on offer, with a wide variety of desserts, such as the famous Turron de Doña Peppa, a sticky aniseed-flavored sweet. Its creator was a black slave, Josefa Marmanillo (Doña Pepa), who believed that her devotion to the Lord of Miracles returned her the use of her arms and hands. Lima’s bullfighting season in October and November is named after and held in honor of the Lord of Miracles, with the best bullfighters in the world gathering in Lima’s 200-year-old bullring (the 2nd oldest in the world) to compete.


October is The Purple Month" for Peruvians, and this expression is quite literal. Many go the whole month dressing in purple in honor of their Señor de los Milagros. Peru also holds the record for their 24-hour-long procession, the largest one in the whole of South America.  Make sure you plan your Peru vacation packages in October and witness the spectacle!

Sr De Los Milagros

Humble Origins

Africans in Peru were allowed to form guilds that managed the churches' altars for baptisms, meetings, wakes, and sometimes economic assistance. Around 1651 the Pachamamilla guild was founded, and, in its seat, an enslaved Black Angolan or freedman painted the famous image on one of the crude adobe walls of the slave quarters. Four years later 1655, a devastating earthquake shook Lima and Callao, tumbling temples, mansions, and houses, with thousands dead and injured. Pachacamilla was leveled, except for the wall with the Christ painting. Meetings and masses began to be held at the image, now considered miraculous, despite authorities' disapproval as the gatherings grew in size. The painting survived numerous attempts to erase it, another earthquake of astonishing destructive power in 1746 and subsequent tidal wave. The Church of Las Nazarenas was built around the image, and a replica was made for the procession, which has been held every year since the 1746 earthquake.


For those who like crowds and pompous celebrations, they can head out on the streets and see the Purple Christ up close on their Lima Peru tours. You can even take the opportunity to watch the processions from balconies and turn the image into a more colorful one with flower petals and confetti.

Sr De Los Milagros

If you are in town for the celebration, join in the festivities, and go on foot. Contact us at Valencia Travel if you would like to arrange a tour of this marvelous celebration in Peru´s capital!

The Peruvian Turron de Doña Pepa should be first on your list to sample when you visit Peru. It is prepared with layers of biscuit with aniseed and covered in cane syrup and caramels on top. The name comes from a woman who experienced one of Purple Christ’s miracles. She once suffered from paralysis, but after trusting her prayers to the Lord of the Miracles, she recovered. Make sure you sample it on your Lima tour packages.
